
How to Care for Dental Implants

Dental implants have soared in popularity as an optimal tooth replacement solution, restoring form and function for those suffering from missing teeth, severely decayed teeth, or chronic dental issues not amenable to traditional restorations. But after undergoing implant placement surgery and eventually being fitted with realistic-looking artificial crowns, crucial questions remain - exactly how does one properly care for dental implants daily and long-term? Let's comprehensively explore best practices.

Understanding Modern Dental Implants

First, let's briefly unpack what today's highly evolved dental implants entail. These small biocompatible metal posts are surgically embedded into the jawbone as artificial roots to permanently support custom designed prosthetic teeth. Over a healing period, the surface of the implant fuses securely to surrounding bone through a process dubbed osseointegration. Once stabilized, life-like dental crowns are then attached to the integrated implants as replacement teeth. When properly cared for, dental implants can serve patients for decades as permanent solutions that look, feel and perform like the real deal.  

Caring for Implants Daily 

The daily care regimen for maintaining dental implants in Cookeville largely mirrors that required for natural teeth - with a few unique caveats. Be sure to brush implants gently yet thoroughly at least twice per day using soft or extra-soft bristles along with non-abrasive fluoride toothpaste. Take care to also floss once daily, gently hugging each side of the implant crown. Additionally, rinse daily with alcohol-free antimicrobial mouthwash to prevent bacteria accumulation. Also, beware of very hard, sticky foods that could damage prosthetics.  

Seeking Regular Professional Care

While home hygiene lays the foundation, attending regular professional cleanings and check-ups cements long-term implant success. Your dentist and hygienist can ensure implants stay plaque-free and screen for emerging issues like peri-implantitis not treatable at home. They also monitor fittings and can re-tighten loose crown screws promptly. Every 6 months is ideal for most implant patients unless a specific issue dictates more frequent follow-up care.   

Why Professional Cleanings Matter  

Even very conscientious implant patients struggle to adequately access all surfaces around their implant crowns fully. Dental professionals wield specialized scaler tools and brushes to meticulously clean the titanium implant portion itself down within the gums without causing scratching or damage. This maintenance disruption of disease-feeding plaque prevents escalation to complex issues down the road. Your homecare establishes the foundation, but professional cleanings seal the deal.

Contact Our Team Today

Caring daily for your dental implants and making oral wellness a priority ensures your investment can keep your smile fully functional for decades on end. At Dogwood Family Dental, Dr. Taylor Enochs Engler brings advanced implantology training to patients in Clarksville, TN. Interested to learn if implants could restore your own smile? Call Dogwood Family Dental today at (931) 528-6536 to schedule a consultation focused on your needs, lifestyle and budget. Here for you every step of the way!

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